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Get Your Hands Off My Son!

In the parable referred to as "the prodigal son" I often wondered if the father secretly cried out against Satan, regarding his son.  Here his son leaves a home life that most people would love to have and ends up hitting rock bottom.  Without a doubt the son was tempted and influenced by the enemy to go off on his own. 

Luke 15:13 (NKJV) And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living.


Whether the father realized that the enemy was responsible or not he still did two things that helped defeat Satan and his plans to separate the family. The father never quit loving his son and never gave up believing that his son would return home. Although it had to be painful waiting, the father was patient and allowed time to work its course.


You may have a son or daughter, or perhaps a grandchild who has chosen to live the way of the world. I encourage you to continue to have hope that they will one day return. Have faith that the memories they have is the spark that turns them around and continue to love that family member no matter what.  Because love is the "beacon" that allows a lost person to find their way home. 

Luke 15:24 (MSG) My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time. 


Jesus told this parable because He wanted everyone to know that God never gives up loving us, no matter what!  So, shouldn't we do the same for that "lost" family member or friend?  Fight against the evil that grasps and tempts the ones we love.  Allow time to bring them back to you, and never give up loving them.  Be strong and faithful like the father in the prodigal son, and you too will rejoice in victory when your loved one comes home.


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