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Draw Near

This is a clip from chapter 8 in my book INTIMACY IN THE SECRET PLACE: The Passionate Pursuit of the Presence of God

Spend time in complete adoration of His beauty, love and might. Lift Him up with your praise, I’m not just talking about singing songs to Jesus, though that is one part of worship. It’s about letting Him know how much you appreciate Him and the sacrifice that was made for your soul! Just love on Him, it’s what you were created to do. He inhabits the praises of His people, and you feel His presence as you spend time worshiping Him.

I have received the greatest answers to prayer as I’ve removed my eyes from my circumstances and focused them completely on Jesus. I can have a long list of requests that I feel are urgent but once I’ve spent time worshipping in His presence and praising Him for all of the incredible things He’s done in my life, all of my issues seem very mundane and unnecessary. When you’ve experienced the touch and love of God nothing else seems very important in comparison. To be honest with you, the greatest amount of my prayer time is spent right here. I pray throughout my day for my needs and that of others, I intercede as the Lord lays it upon my heart, I do battle for what He has promised and paid for… but every evening…I begin to feel Him bid me to come unto Him. He draws me in deep…deeper than flesh could ever enter or encounter on its own. The tug is real and it’s strong! It didn’t start that way but as I continued showing up, hungry, desperately waiting for His presence with no agenda other than to passionately pursue Him…He invaded my life…my time is no longer my own and He is very jealous for it. No excuse will satisfy because the Holy Spirit is drawing me into the private chambers of my Bride Groom and He awaits for me there. I become unsettled in my spirit as I anticipate my time with Him. I may be occupied with other things but when He calls, I must break away and run into His arms. I could spend hours within the warmth of His embrace, weeping, melting, listening, captivated by His love and completely raptured by His beauty. Nothing in this life can compare to this! This is not the place to enter with your requests but it’s a place of sacrifice, a place of laying your life at His feet, fully persuaded that there is nothing you can do outside of His anointing, strength and ability, surrendering everything to experience His presence in your life and seeing others go deeper with Him.

Song of Solomon 2:10 (TPT) The one I love calls to me: Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one.

Psalms 22:3 (KJV) But you are holy, O you that inhabit the praises of Israel.


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