Do You Believe?
John 14:12 (VOICE) I tell you the truth: whoever believes in Me will be able to do what I have done, but they will do even greater things, because I will return to be with the Father.
Jesus said that we will do greater works than He did because He was returning to the Father. All we have to do is believe in Him. So I am asking you a simple question, do you believe? Not just believe in Christ, but do you believe you will do greater works than Him?
Many of us can feel discouraged seeing what other people are doing online and become timid about stepping out of the boat and taking a leap of faith to do something great for Jesus. Jesus never said you had to have millions of online followers before accomplishing great things for His Kingdom, He just said whoever believes in Me will be able to do all He has done and more! We can all share our faith with someone, make a meal for someone, bless a stranger, pay for someone else's meal, take time out for someone feeling depressed. As we do these things and we are working unto the Lord, we are planting many great seeds that will produce a mighty harvest, whether seen or unseen, if you continue to press on and keep on keeping on, you will be doing great things for His Kingdom.
We can share the gospel on a video from our phone and it will go all around the world in a moment. These are things the disciples never would have dreamed of! We can hop on a plane and go to villages in Africa in a day and minister to those in desperate need. We can be the voice of hope for the next generation. We can be the ones who stand up for Christ in the midst of our fallen world. WE can BE the change our nation needs, are you willing and are you ready to step out into ALL God has called you to do? Take the next step of faith and commit to do more for Jesus. It's the absolute least we can do for the one who died a horrific death for our sins. Be bold, be strong and be courageous. For He who is in me is stronger than he who is in the world.
Romans 8:31 (NLV) Since God is for us, who can be against us?