Who Am I?
Who am I?
I stand amazed at a God who would Love me like you do!
Who am I?
Weak, lost, broken, damaged and bleeding, except for the sacrifice of your life....
Who am I?
Never once deserving of such an incredible gift, yet your blood was spilled due to a love too great for my limited human mind to imagine!
Who am I?
Redeemed, anointed, empowered, healed, strengthened and... loved... DEEPLY, DEEPLY LOVED...
Who am I? That's no longer the question I ask...
Who are you!?
My Savior? Redeemer? Teacher? Friend? Bride groom? Comforter? Healer? Provider? Lover of my soul!!??? You are too great, too wonderful, too beautiful!
Yes, the price was great, but the results...eternal life! A relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! My mind is reeling, unable to wrap itself around such a price for...me... for you...