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Love Has a Name

Psalm 42:1-2 (NLT) As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?

Have you ever been so thirsty after being out in the heat, maybe you were mowing the lawn or going for a nice run, or if you live in Missouri, just walking to the mailbox can become a miserable task! By the time you get back in your home all you can think about is a nice glass of ice water. This ice water isn't something you will gently sip, rather, it will quickly be consumed with loud gulps and the glass will then become refilled with even more water.

So it is that our spirits shall long, thirst and desire for more and more of God's presence! When all you think about is being alone with Him, the lover of your soul. Your spirit will cry out for more of the One True Living God! If you are a new Christian you may have this great sense of a deep desire pulling you and you may not understand what this is, if not dealt with correctly you may begin feeling anxious. This is God drawing you to Him! It's time to get alone in that secret place, blast your worship music and be with the one whom your soul desires! Then sit in silence and solitude until you hear from Heaven.

This is where we become cleansed through the sweet presence of our Creator! Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal more to you and remain steadfast and focused in your pursuit of Jesus. People may not be able to pinpoint what has happened but they will notice you are completely different. This is what I so desperately long to see… a body of believers who are so hungry for God that it becomes contagious to those around us and they too will have their lives transformed through Jesus. His name is so powerful that the demons must flee at the mention of Jesus! His name is above every name - the name of cancer, sickness, disease, heartache, suicide, promiscuity, lust, perversion, addiction, guilt, shame, condemnation - this name is Jesus! Love has a name, it's Jesus!

Philippians 2:9-11 (NLT) Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Psalm 42:8 (NLT) Each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.

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