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Just Give Me Jesus!

Exodus 33:14 (NLT) The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”

Psalm 16:11 (NLT) You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.

I don't know about you, but I have a deep hunger stirring in me that says it's time to step it up about 10 notches in my journey with Jesus. I want more prayer time, I want more worship time, I want to see the power of God manifest in the lives of those in my church, signs, wonders, miracles, I want ALL that God has in store for my family and my church. I don't want to miss out on anything - I don't want the smoke and lights and hype - JUST GIVE ME JESUS!!!

In His presence, His presence, His presence there is fullness of joy - if we are able to remain in His presence then what on this earth can bother us?! Is anyone else feeling sick for our nation? Sick for what is happening around the world? Sick of the persecution of our brothers and sisters in Christ? I want to soak in His love, I want to be so filled up with God that it just pours out over me and affects all those around me. Are you restless and disturbed? O my soul - WAIT patiently for the Lord - have hope in Him - Christ the Hope of Glory!

Stop all the "busyness" and wait before Jesus - wait on Him - just wait, wait, wait - put that phone down - quiet your soul and find rest in Him! I just need more Jesus - everything else can wait - but being renewed in the presence of Father God is a must! I desire to see unity among the body of Christ - let it start with us! Let us learn to walk and live in the presence of God every single day - may we never run dry or burn out but rather run further in our race and pursue the heart of God with everything we have so we never miss an opportunity to share the gospel or help someone in need. Let it start with me. Just give me Jesus.

Psalm 17:15 (AMPC) As for me, I will continue beholding Your face in righteousness (rightness, justice, and right standing with You); I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake [to find myself] beholding Your form [and having sweet communion with You].

Psalm 23:6 (AMP) Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.

Psalm 37:7 (TPT) Quiet your heart in his presence and pray; keep hope alive as you long for God to come through for you. And don’t think for a moment that the wicked in their prosperity are better off than you.

Psalm 42:5 (AMP) Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become restless and disturbed within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.

Jeremiah 29:13 (AMP) Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

Acts 3:6 (TPT) Then Peter said, “I don’t have money, but I’ll give you this—by the power of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk!”

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